Jobs For 14 Year Old Girls

As a 14 year girl, or I guess if you’re a boy reading this, you’re going to find that it’s quite hard to find a job at your age. While you shouldn’t give up right away, there are some opportunities that you can take advantage of, in order to make money.

By working hard and not giving up, there’s no reason on why you shouldn’t find a job today.

#1 Babysit – There are probably tons of parents in your neighborhood that are looking for babysitters. Search the web, or hand out flyers throughout the neighborhood. It will help if you can get CPR experience, as well as have good references.

#2 Restaurants – You will most likely find your first job here. Many restaurants out there will need dishwashers, busboys, and more. You can also find a job at a fast food restaurant as well. Places like McDonalds and others will hire kids at a young age.

#3 Lawn service / Snow shovel – No matter what climate you live in, you can find a job doing this. Hand out flyers and let people know about what you can do for them. Charge $ 10 – $ 20 depending on the size, and you can rack up some money rather quickly!

#4 Retail – Just like the restaurant biz, you can most likely get into a retail job as well. While it may be harder than a restaurant, you can always test your luck at it.

#5 Paid surveys – There are research companies out there that want to pay you for your opinion. While a lot of them will require that you’re 18 years or older, there are some that will be more than happy to take you in at 14. You’re going to have to work hard at something like this, because the money doesn’t come easy. You can make an extra $ 100 or so each month, but it will all depend on how much they have to give you.

#6 Be creative – The last thing that I would recommend is just to be creative. Think of something that many people need as a service. You can walk other pets, plant flowers, pick weeds, and so much more. Use your imagination, and see what you come up with!

By following these 6 ideas, you can most likely find some sort of job. Just work hard and don’t quit until you find something that works!

Want more 14 year old jobs? I made another list of ideas as well as links you can use to get a job now!


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